j4rb+8l35ZhYfao2osZ+HMiaAe0bMJmPHTn6WC8ig/g= Bingo Chat and fun stories: From Yvonne

Wednesday, 6 August 2008

From Yvonne

I've been a CM with - company name withheld - for 2 yrs now and I have to say its one of the best jobs I have ever had. I work my hours on - BIG online bingo room - and can honestly say that rather than being in a bingo chat room it feels like I'm with a tight community of friends each time I work. I have met so many lovely people and we are all just here for each other through good times and bad times CM's and players alike.

I've had many good times over the past 2 yrs and very few bad times. I'm a bit of a practical joker and have fooled so many people over my time as a CM with my jokes. But it all helps to make the atmosphere fun and friendly and those who have been caught out by my practical jokes have always taken it in good humour and had a good laugh.

The fact that I work from home is also a very big plus to the job. And the uniform is terrific!!! I have a different pair of pyjamas for each day of the week!!!

Great to hear people love their jobs hey? Well done Yvonne!

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